The art of using film, once the holy grail of Zone System aficionados, is slowly recovering, after a dramatic drop in usage since the introduction of digital imagery (a word I am not allowed to use pace Mike Johnston).
There is a wealth of technical and philosophical differences between both media (see my book: Leica Practicum). The current view is simply this: digital imagery delivers superior results when used handheld in most practical situations and in the studio. Film emulsions give a result that is technically less good, but its imperfection has an emotional edge, as many users of film (best example now is Anton Corbijn) can testify.
When using the Leica M Monochrom and the Leica M-A, loaded with Tri-X, the differences become evident. When you load the M-A with one of the low-speed mono dispersion emulsions the result is still better than what you get with digital technique, but the speed drops to ISO 6 -10!